Some of the Most Discouraging Words

KK Kay
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

Dear Diary,

How wonderful it’s a sunny day! It’s also a long day to catch up on work after a long weekend.

“We Need to Be XX-er“

Being “fast” is often in a startup’s DNA. In one meeting today, I was a little frustrated — not for myself but for my teammate.

I have this teammate, let’s call her C (for classy), who works super hard throughout weekday and weekend. You definitely feel her passion and strong sense of ownership just by being around her. Sometimes, partnering with her even makes me feel that I’m too slow to catch up with her pace.

“We need faster execution,” said our manager today, less calm than usual. I think I understand where the manager was coming from yet, I was still shocked.

I was shocked because before dropping that line the manager didn’t really mention how much effort C has put into our projects to speed things up and deliver more. While speed is certainly crucial, I couldn’t help questioning why couldn’t we give each other a little bit of recognition before we ask for more, even that push is often with a good intention, to push each other to aim higher and deliver more.

Even expectations are told in a calm manner, it could sound frustrating when recognition is not given.

When we work really hard yet it seems still “not enough”

This is actually not the first time I realise there are instances where hard work isn’t recognised before someone asks more for it — which could make people feel not enough, as I found out when I chat with people (and I’d feel the same sometimes too).

Just wondering, in a highly intense working environment, is recognition a luxury when people chase for speed and aiming to deliver more and more?

Nonetheless, I’d give C a thumbs up for all of her hard work:


P.S. How often can you comment on someone else’s diary? Applaud or comment in this post to let me know if you like it!



KK Kay

Growth marketer in a unicorn scale-up (startup). Sharing my startup diary here with you world.